Sıtkı Olçar

1948, Kütahya

Such masters like Abdülmendan Şakraker and Mehmet Üstünkaya raised him and now has been carrying out his performances on tile and ceramics in private atelier he named “Osmanlı Çini” (Ottoman Tile) since 1973. Sıtkı Olçar has started to concentrate on new style and form taking İznik and Kütahya tiles into consideration and developed Çanakkale ceramics in his tile performances he applies antique motifs and forms. 

Starting from 1980 he has opened many personal exhibitions at home and abroad and brought innovation to Kütahya style tile making. He keeps working on Turkish Tile Art started in 11th century Anatolia during the Seljuk reign collecting all phases of this art under its roof and following the traditional rules and creating unique ways. 

He was awarded with prizes over 90 and also got UNESCO Prize given to people in the service of cultural heritage in 2008. Sıtkı Olçar has been organizing cultural event “A Night in Valley” in Kütahya Phrygia Valley for 19 years.

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